
William Woods

Friday, May 23, 2014

William Wood's Filter

Prior to installing The-Qube on my pond of 5000 gallons had a three stage filter consisting of a round vortex with an answer and two square topped vortexes containing Kaldnes, these filters stood around 5 ft. high and cleaning, especially chamber 1 was always a chore involving a large change of water and quite a lot of mess. The removal of these filters and the introduction of The-Qube has been a revolution.

Fitting the system was a simple plumbing job with the layout of the pipework and valves being logical and providing an easy task to complete a neat filter bay solution. The reduction in physical filter size is remarkable and makes moving around my filter bay much easier. Cleaning The-Qube is simplicity itself with an easy to follow routine and the satisfaction gained from watching the media cleaning through the viewing window cannot be overstated! The whole cleaning cycle takes a matter of minutes and involves zero mess and no getting wet at all; I have happily cleaned the filters whilst wearing an office suit!.

Of course, as a Koi keeper the most rewarding part of any filter is the result it gives on water clarity, it's much easier to enjoy your fish when you can see them! Here once again The-Qube excels, providing a remarkable glass like clarity to the water allowing you to appreciate your ponds inhabitants to the fullest.

The-Qube is an impressive and truly clever piece of engineering and an extremely effective water filter, I wholeheartedly recommend it.